Saturday, August 26, 2006

Tribute to a Master

Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji- Yogi Bhajan
The Grandfather I never met... In humble grattitude for all you have done. The Guru led me to you to experience the The Guru even deeper than my limited mind allowed. And you led me on a journey, through Gurus grace, to serve all beings with the grace of God. You asked me to be 10 times greater, yet have taught me the technology to be 100 times greater. What else can I ask for, one day I'll thank you in person and Ill get that hug from you in person Yogi Ji.
Missing you Ji, Missing you
Guru Ram Das Rakho Sarnayye

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sagal duar ko chaad kai, gahe-o tuhaaro du-aar...

Ban-he gahay kee laaj as, gobind Daas du-aar

Leaving all other doors, I have clung to your door alone. O timeless Lord, preserve the honor of the one whose arm Thou hast grasped; I am Thy slave, O my Lord.

Waheguru, Dhan Waheguru....

Meet Elvira Arellano as she sits in a church in Chicago with her seven year old son. Waheguru has given her soooo much hardship. Brought her into the US, and now the feds want to deport her. She has no where to turn... no where. Waheguru is her only saviour. Shes in danger of beeing deported and risks leaving her son who is a American Citizen. She and her son could be broken up. Waheguru, take care of her, ill pray for her but I know shes out of my hands, shes blessed by you Waheguru. She has left all other doors and clung on to your door Waheguru.
Shes got no one looking after her but you Waheguru... and you have given her sanctuary in your house Waheguru. shes safe there for now. it brings me to tears that she has no one but God. And you have taken her and saved her in your sanctuary waheguru. Kept her in your Sarnayye. Even if she has to leave, the blessing will never leave, she will continue her fight for her family and other's famillies in danger of being broken by forced deportation.

Guru Ram Das...." Now I have come, exhausted, to my master. O Lord, I seek Thy protection, Save me or else destroy me."

Only you Waheguru can make us devoted to your service, only you Waheguru take us in to your lap and take care of our affairs.

Oh my beloved Lord, I pray with heart felt gratitude that you have given us the Darshan of the Guru who reveals to us your infinite wisdom. We no longer toil in our affairs, and seek to serve our planet and heal every person through the grace of the Guru.

Guru Ram Das Rakho Sarnayye

Dhan Waheguru
Dhan Waheguru
Dhan Waheguru

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Guru Guru Waheguru

All hail to our magnificant Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj ji...

Through its grace I live, I am alive, I serve.

The last couple of weeks have been amazing for me as an individual, ive been doing more paath than I ever had before. I was really connecting the Guru and with its grace, God. Such chardi kala happpenings have been going on my life, its with the connection with the Guru, he has taken my everywhere im supposed to go and saved me from going anywhere im not supposed. Its been amazing to be led into the sunsets to meet my beloved Guru every night.

So then...duhn duhn duhn Charanpreet came back from India. Her and I were so close before she left for India, talking nonstop, always on the phone. I became detatched from the rest of my world and I longed to be close to her. She was always my strength giving me encouraging advice, love and support. I looked to her in all my difficulties and all my joy. Then she left for India. My cell phone was lost in New Mexico and my internet went down. This was all the Gurus doing... Thank you waheguru.. My heart ached and hurt from missing her so much, there was a void inside me. My desire was filled by the Guru. I was talking to the Guru, he took my pain away. Shabad Hazzarae, Shabads of Guru Ram Das, Sukhmani Sahib... all the words, all the love of our Gurus was filling my mind, heart and soul. My hunger was quenched, the Guru was imparting the blessing of his darshan on me. I became attatched to his charna.

Charanpreet came back from India and I made myself distant from her because I wanted to continue this love affair with God through the Guru. It hurt her so much and she was confused as to what was happening. And I couldnt understand why I felt so close to the Guru and sometimes so far from everything else.
My guardian angels spoke to me... telling me its easy to reach God when you are alone doing your bhagti. Anyone can do that. Can you do it in the Drisht Jeevan? This is the highest Jeevan. Theres nothing closer to God.

Then I came home and asked Charanpreet how she was doing, and guess what? Some how it was revealed to me that she's doing like a ridiculous amount of paath, more than she ever did before India and taking Amrit. I was feeling chardi kala thinking that Im the golden child of the Guru (not really) but then Charanpreet is doing way more paath than me, like 21 japji sahibs, 2 sukhmani sahibs, shabad keertan, shabad hazzarae, aarti, and her regular nitnem. I was really humbled. And u know what? No one was telling her to do that, its all Wahegurus grace that had brought her to the Guru. Its all out of love, and it inspires my soul to be close to her.

I used to tell her to do this, do that, etc to help her get over her fears, issues and insecurities. All these different things to bring her closer to the Guru, to herself etc. And you know what? Most of what I said was a waste of time. The Guru is the Guru, and only he can lead you to him. His grace is his grace, he can send angels to bring you to him, take u places to get closer to him, all these miracles can only happen through the Guru. We can preach and advise as much as we want, but that hunger for truth can only be quenched by the grace of the Guru.
So now, here I am humbled at how chardi kala Charanpreet is... and so we do paath together. This is the kindness of the Guru. Dhan Guru Nanak, cos it was sooooo chardi kala doing paath together. We did soo much paath together and we didnt ever want to stop. One bani, Shabad Hazzarae we did one line in Gurmukhi and one line in English. Afte, we were both enlightened to such a high state with the Guru, we didnt know what to say, we couldnt stop smiling even though we were on the phone. Then we did Sukhmani Sahib it felt like we did it in 20minutes, its was soo beautiful and chardi kala. My heart opened up to the word of the Guru even more. More than I imagined...Wahegurus grace.
Charanpreet Kaur has taken me even closer to the Guru. Wah! I cant believe it, if someone would have told her or me that this would have happened, I wouldnt have believed it. I can see the light of the sun, moon, stars, Guru inside her. She has blessed by the Guru himself. And me, an ignorant stupid child has again been save by the true Gurus kindess. This is the Miracles of the Guru.
I feel like singing more and more all the time, I feel like i have found the secrets to the universe in my own home. Im beginning to understand the message of the Gurus. There is no cave thats going to take me to God if i do bhagti in it. Its in my own home, and its through the Gurus Grace. The Gurus Grace to me is Charanpreet Kaur. I am touching her feet with my forehead, I am so thankful to the Guru for blessing me like this...

This is a random shabad Charanpreet turned to in her Gutka while we were doing the paath together...

Koe Aan Milavai Mera Preetum Pyiara

I would make myslef a slave to the one can take me to meet my Beloved Lord.
When the lord is merciful, He makes me to meet with the True Guru
And I contemplate the Lords name, pause
O lord if it is thy will to grant me happiness I will ever meditate on thee,
And even in pain I will never forget thee.
If thou givest me hunger, I will feel satisfied,
And I will feel happiness if thou givest me sorrow.
This body and soul I break into little pieces,
And make them an offering to thee.
For thee I would burn this body in fire.
For thee I would wave fans and draw water,
And eat whatever thou givest to me.
Poor Nanak has fallen before thy gate,
O Lord, unite me with the that I may know thy glory.

And then after we hung up, I turned to the same shabad in my gutka...

Dhan Guru Ram Das! Heal the world!

Waheguru, So chardi kala... kindly attatch me to the Guru so that I may do your Bhagti...

Charanpreet, maaf karna if i embarassed you but I just want our kids to see how much you bless me, how you are the princess any prince could wish for. And yet you chose me, a low being void of any love and full of sins. How you turned this pauper into a sage, its all the through the Gurus grace. I cant believe how blessed I am, its all the Gurus grace Dhan Guru Nanak...

Tears of love

All my heart

All my soul

Yours forever Charanpreet

Yours forever Waheguru

Thursday, August 10, 2006


Here is the support you gain when you give the Guru your head... Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj Ji Waheguru Ji

Prabhu Singh said...

Much love brother!Your experiences are amazing. With white your aura is stronger, yet you are also more open in some ways. People think of saints when they see people wearing white and sometimes they look for a connection. It is like a balance, being more open, but also having the strength to handle it.Mandeep Singh Khalsa Ji, you really act fast (showing full courage and faith), when faced with difficulty! You jumped off a cliff and handled a snake with no hesitation, even though they were both new. You started wearing a white turban immediately to work. I figured you'd start with blue and then maybe try some other dark colors, but you went straight for white! That is going to stand out when you're on TV and really project such a beautiful Khalsa roop to the world.As a country boy I've done a lot of crazy things in my life, but I usually take time to work up to things. I really admire how you can just jump into things! Raj Karega Khalsa!
1:41 PM

Prabhu Singh Ji...

Your words made me cry. I am capable of doing nothing, and i do that pretty well. Dhan Guru Nanak, I cried because of the grace that was given. I could never in my dreams have done those things, never. I dont even want to tell any of my family or relatives about it. I like sharing it with my soul, its such an amazing gift to be carried in wahegurus hukam. What can I do, im just a poor little kid that has come crying into the house of Guru Nanak... and I cry even more cos he has taken me in. This is the greatness of our Guru. Every day he turns paupers into sages and saints. I am ever in love with the True Guru who reveals the Lord through the Name.
Prabhu Singh, you may never know how much your sangat effected me, but you do see a few of the physical things happen. The Guru sends me his angels as messengers, and then I jump. I dont hear it, but I see it and I feel it.
The snake tho... I just touched it a little, before however I couldn’t even be in the same room as one.
The jumping, that was the Shaheeds of Guru Gobind Singh Ji around all of us.
Waheguru, take me back to that place...absorbed in your name

Dhan Guru Nanak

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh

Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Wearing a white Turban has been amazing. Yes you do get a lot of stares from people in wonder, ignorance and whatever else. But I must say if you dont look around and you keep you center without spilling out, you never have to worry or feel what people are trying to send you. I cant believe how amazingly this works. It successfully deflects energy from coming to you. By making your radiance that much great, you aura filters out crap that you have no use for. Theres a lot of crap in the air, so this really helps me to stay connected to the Guru, to his Bani, to myself. Man im really enjoying this, I really recommend trying it to see how it goes. Some of you are more aware or less aware so results may vary. This is all Gurprasad so the support comes with that kirpa, I wonder if that is what Im feeling.

I met these two sisters, one girl was black and one was white. The white girl was adopted. Randomly happening as im paying for groceries at Whole Foods in Union Square NY. I wish I woulda had camera. One was a vegan, the other wasnt, they were totally opposites. They were asking me questions about my hair, religion etc... The white girl was like how long is it, and she knew I wasnt a muslim. The black girl, who didnt, was like, "shes the smart one". And then the white girl asked me if I get split ends in my hair, and then the black girl was like, "hold up smart girl, this is my territory" and began to explain how i probobaly had no clue what she was talking about. Book smarts vs street smarts. What a beautiful harmonious relationship. I told them they were probobaly sisters or connected closely in a past life. They kinda agreed, lol, kinda wondering when i was gonna leave, lol. Dhan Guru Nanak.

My white paagh also attracts positive enery! Man, when I got home I was soo happy thinking of such a blessing it is to wear it. Jo ve Waheguru dhe hukamm.

This is the style I wear to work. Bhupinder my younger cousin is sporting full black attire, rocking the shaheedi color. He is a saint now but one day he'll be a saint of the Guru...

I also remembered Prabhu Singh saying to me in DC that black is so plain, its like a hair color paagh. He also thinks its a way for punjabi Singhs to sort of fit in wearing the black. And you know what? All this time I was kidding myself thinking its more professional and matches my outfit, but really I was just conforming. Prabhu was right, and in more ways inspired me to follow my heart, follow my Guru...

Dhan Guru Pyiriae

Dhan Guru Nanak

Dhan Waheguru

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Work and Turbans

Today was a different day than most, as today I finally got the courage to wear a white turban to work. This was all wahegurus grace, and I was helped by my angels, Prabhu Singh Khalsa (New Mexico Vale) and Charanpreet Kaur Khalsa (my dear fiancee).
It wasnt easy cos of where I work. People are constantly making fun of each other, huge egos looking to inflate themselves even more all the time at others expense.
People also havent gotten higher educations, most came into the buisness right out of high school, so most arent too educated and cultured into the world. Over 3 quarters of my work place still thinks im a Muslim i think... dunno.
But I do know is that Wahegurus grace is soo close to me... I almost didnt sleep last nite cos I knew the Guru wanted me to wear the white and walk in there with the grace of a saint.
But I was still watchful to see peoples reactions...most didnt care or even notice, lol. I got comments like, oh so you decided to wash that thing huh? I use to wear black before. Then the guy next to me was like Yeaaaaaah! Mannyy! I like the white, it rocks. I thought that guy was gonna freak the most. I also thought my boss was going to be the most for it, and he was a little unresponsive, almost a little hiding his true emotions. Thats all good...
In this path of God the miracles and support come from places you least expect. If you decide to let the Guru guide you, the support will come, always has. But it will come in the form of miracles from places, people, angels unimaginable. Dhan Guru Nanak
Heres me in a white paagh....which i love wearing. It feels so light and containing my energy. It feels like it creates a protective layer, and I feel so saintly wearing it, simple radiant beautiful

So that was a blessing... when i got home Charanpreet was telling me that there were pictures of me for sale on the web, i knew the Guru had something to do with this and i thought, dhan Guru Nanak. lol... turns out that this photographer and his assistant started taking pictures of me as i was walking to my train after work one day last summer. i was on the phone someone and they just kept shooting. somehow, one of Charanpreets cousins, Niko, found the pictures on a website where they are for sale. who would pay that money for them, i dont know? but as the lord wills so do we act, miracles can
here are the links for anyone bold enough or interested

Waheguru works even when we dont see him or think of him... thats when he does 90percent of his work. we are busy thinking that we are the doers, but its never the case. waheguru is the doer. you never know what miracles he has in store for you until his kirpa reveals the perfect time...
dhan guru nanak
dhan waheguru

Monday, August 07, 2006

Baru Sahib

Dhan Guru Nanak...

Here is a nihung singh at Baru Sahib

Its a cool picture cos you can feel the power of what he is tapping into. The area is called Himachal Pardesh, and if you ask Charanpreet (my god sent fiancee), its "far far away". The nihungs in the truest form absolutely carry a spirit with them of Sikh Soldiers passed away. We have it close to... ready and able to help on call. Guru Gobind Singh Ji's Banis especially pave the way to connecting to that energy.

Baru Sahib is just amazing from what Charanpreet and her sisters tell me. I really want to go next year but it conflicts with Summer Solstice so im sort of in between about it. You know your blessed to have a choice of which closest to Sach Kand like place you want to go to in this world.

Here is a picture of the Santhia class in session. Charanpreet is going to be teaching me a whole lot when we get married. I cant wait, I want to experience the Guru on the next level...I cant believe I still havent learned to read Punjabi and Charanpreet is learning Santhia. She also started a Sahej Paath as well... how chardi kala...

Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak... love light blessings peace patience tolerance
Dhan Guru Nanak

Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh