Thursday, November 30, 2006

What can we do, nothing is in our hands anymore...

My Sisters love Charanpreet and I so much they want to make sure I know the rules...

Sent: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: Interesting Read

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

Hey guys,

I came across this on the following website. Although these are directed at Sikh husbands for the most part, they can and do apply to both husband and wife. :)

I thought you guys would like it, even though you seem to be doing most of it already, its nice to see what type of tips gursikhs put out there. :)

Love you guys!!

- Rimmi

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

1. Respect the opinion of your wife and show you are listening and value her suggestions.
2. Don’t be moody. Your tone and attitude matter sometimes more than the words.
3. Smile. You don’t need a reason, just smile.
4. Avoid anger and avoid speaking roughly or rudely.
5. Give surprises and gifts.
6. Love is broken with harsh words and strengthened by sweet ones.
7. Pay compliments to your wife. Express your appreciation to her.
8. Break the routine every once in a while.
9. Do amrit-vela as well as nitnem or sehaj paath or some bani together everyday. Guaranteed that reading bani together will make your love stronger.
10. Help in the house.
11. Pay attention in raising the children. It is your responsibility too.
12. Don’t leave the small problems unsolved or ignored. They will grow otherwise.
13. Eat meals together.
14. Keep her informed about your plans. Consult her on major decisions (personal and family). Do not surprise her on these matters
15. Don’t walk away and leave home during arguments. Try to resolve the issue before ending the day.
16. Do not resort to silence when unhappy.
17. Don’t dwell on past mistakes or fights. Forgive and forget.
18. Never threaten divorce or separation. Never say you regret having entered the marriage.
19. Don’t admonish and criticise your wife in public. Don’t tolerate or participate in her insult (joking or otherwise).
20. In front of her family and friends, show her respect and show you value her.
21. Don’t reveal your marriage’s or your wife’s secrets and private details to anyone.
22. Say Fateh to your wife when you greet her upon coming home or meeting her in general. Remember that she is also a Gursikh and deserves the respect associated with that position.
23. Walk on the path of Sikhi together. This means, seva, sangat, simran, kirtan, yatra (this last one is often neglected but is a very good exercise in building marriage relationships).
24. Don’t be inflexible. Look for compromise.
25. Understand you are not always right. Be willing to apologise.
26. Physically be delicate with her. Do not be physically aggressive or imposing.
27. Respect your wife’s family and encourage her to do the same.
28. Show that you are interested in what she is interested in (hobbies, pass times, etc.)
29. Don’t seek marital advice openly. If you wish to have advice, take it only from someone you trust, and is capable of advising properly.
30. Show concern for her health and do not ever put it at risk.
31. Be there for her during difficult times and be sure she knows you are there to listen to her.
32. Share your own feelings with her regularly.
33. Be delicate when dealing with her weaknesses. Do not press the issue.
34. Have good intentions in your heart for your wife. Wish the best for her because her success is yours as well.
35. Speak politely and show courtesy to your wife. Open doors, help carry heavy objects, arrange for her to sit or rest when she is tired.
36. If your wife says or does something minor that you did not like, ignore it.
37. During pregnancy and during her menstruation period, be sure to be even more considerate and patient than usual.
38. Never try to impose upon her how great you are due to your education or job, etc. Do not belittle her level of education or job.
39. Don’t say or try to show that your earning income or bringing food is a favour to her. Recognise that only God is the giver.
40. Never betray your wife’s trust through words or deeds. All other women are mothers, sisters or daughters.
41. Don’t give her the opportunity to think that your love or regard for her is any less than her love and regard for you.


Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


I just read it today, wow its so true. This is what we think we need to do to have a happy marriage. But somehow, these things all happened automaticaly when we gave Guru Ji our heads. Waheguru! How blessed is our Beloved Saint Guru, Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj Ji.

It such a good reminder when we have our off days, but so much of it has been put into our heads and our maanh's by Guru Ji. I never thought of these things as what I would do in a marriage. Then Guru Ji blessed me even though I never listened before. Such forgiving nature is that of our Guru.

Dhan Guru Nanak

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ke fathe
Congratulations on your wedding may Guru ji bless you and your wife stay in char di kala keep up the good work following the rules to a good marrige.

Sorry we were unable to make the wedding but i saw some pics on your friends blog Prabukhalsa, you look amazing well done, hope all the family are well bhabi ji is probably over the moon being a mother in law now. Speak to u soon Wjkk, Wjkf Ranjit Kaur,(PoaJi) from Hounslow UK

3:30 PM


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