
Wearing a white Turban has been amazing. Yes you do get a lot of stares from people in wonder, ignorance and whatever else. But I must say if you dont look around and you keep you center without spilling out, you never have to worry or feel what people are trying to send you. I cant believe how amazingly this works. It successfully deflects energy from coming to you. By making your radiance that much great, you aura filters out crap that you have no use for. Theres a lot of crap in the air, so this really helps me to stay connected to the Guru, to his Bani, to myself. Man im really enjoying this, I really recommend trying it to see how it goes. Some of you are more aware or less aware so results may vary. This is all Gurprasad so the support comes with that kirpa, I wonder if that is what Im feeling.
I met these two sisters, one girl was black and one was white. The white girl was adopted. Randomly happening as im paying for groceries at Whole Foods in Union Square NY. I wish I woulda had camera. One was a vegan, the other wasnt, they were totally opposites. They were asking me questions about my hair, religion etc... The white girl was like how long is it, and she knew I wasnt a muslim. The black girl, who didnt, was like, "shes the smart one". And then the white girl asked me if I get split ends in my hair, and then the black girl was like, "hold up smart girl, this is my territory" and began to explain how i probobaly had no clue what she was talking about. Book smarts vs street smarts. What a beautiful harmonious relationship. I told them they were probobaly sisters or connected closely in a past life. They kinda agreed, lol, kinda wondering when i was gonna leave, lol. Dhan Guru Nanak.
My white paagh also attracts positive enery! Man, when I got home I was soo happy thinking of such a blessing it is to wear it. Jo ve Waheguru dhe hukamm.

This is the style I wear to work. Bhupinder my younger cousin is sporting full black attire, rocking the shaheedi color. He is a saint now but one day he'll be a saint of the Guru...
I also remembered Prabhu Singh saying to me in DC that black is so plain, its like a hair color paagh. He also thinks its a way for punjabi Singhs to sort of fit in wearing the black. And you know what? All this time I was kidding myself thinking its more professional and matches my outfit, but really I was just conforming. Prabhu was right, and in more ways inspired me to follow my heart, follow my Guru...
Dhan Guru Pyiriae
Dhan Guru Nanak
Dhan Waheguru
Are you from NY or DC?
11:09 AM
Much love brother!
Your experiences are amazing. With white your aura is stronger, yet you are also more open in some ways. People think of saints when they see people wearing white and sometimes they look for a connection. It is like a balance, being more open, but also having the strength to handle it.
Mandeep Singh Khalsa Ji, you really act fast (showing full courage and faith), when faced with difficulty! You jumped off a cliff and handled a snake with no hesitation, even though they were both new. You started wearing a white turban immediately to work. I figured you'd start with blue and then maybe try some other dark colors, but you went straight for white! That is going to stand out when you're on TV and really project such a beautiful Khalsa roop to the world.
As a country boy I've done a lot of crazy things in my life, but I usually take time to work up to things. I really admire how you can just jump into things! Raj Karega Khalsa!
1:41 PM
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