Happy Birthday Guru Nanak

Today is a beautiful day Waheguru. This day in 1979, I got his grace to come back to this earthly plane once again. I came was kicking and screaming and longed wholeheartedly to go back. Mom remembers me as being generally healthy but had a time holding down milk for the first 6 months. Since though, its been an amazing ride with Waheguru and Guru on my side. I owe everything to the heavens spiritual planes. Without that I would lose it all.
On this day the Lord gave you life,
May you use it to serve him.
Our loving prayers will be with you,
May you never forget him.
We did this chant at solstice this year and how true and heartfelt it can be. What else is there, all I want to do is remeber the divine and serve. Remember and serve.
I got this from our Guru this morning...
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ami-a sarovaro pee-o har har naamaa raam.
Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar from the pool of the Lord; chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.
santeh sang milai jap pooran kaamaa raam.
In the Society of the Saints, one meets the Lord; meditating on Him, one's affairs are resolved.
sabh kaam pooran dukh bideeran har nimakh manhu na beesrai.
God is the One who accomplishes everything; He is the Dispeller of pain. Never forget Him from your mind, even for an instant.
aanand an-din sadaa saachaa sarab gun jagdeesrai.
He is blissful, night and day; He is forever True. All Glories are contained in the Lord in the Universe.
agnat ooch apaar thaakur agam jaa ko Dhaamaa.
Incalculable, lofty and infinite is the Lord and Master. Unapproachable is His home.
binvant naanak mayree ichh pooran milay sareerang raamaa. ||3||
Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the Lord, the Greatest Lover. ||3||
ka-ee kotik jag falaa sun gaavanhaaray raam.
The fruits of many millions of charitable feasts come to those who listen to and sing the Lord's Praise.
har har naam japat kul saglay taaray raam.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all one's generations are carried across.
har naam japat sohant paraanee taa kee mahimaa kit ganaa.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, one is beautified; what Praises of His can I chant?
har bisar naahee paraan pi-aaray chitvant darsan sad manaa.
I shall never forget the Lord; He is the Beloved of my soul. My mind constantly yearns for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.
subh divas aa-ay geh kanth laa-ay parabh ooch agam apaaray.
Auspicious is that day, when God, the lofty, inaccessible and infinite, hugs me close in His embrace.

Happy Birthday Mandeep Veer Ji!!!!
Not a coincidence that another amazing light shines on this Diwali, me thinks :)
Hope you had/are having an awesome day. May Guru Ji continue to bless you with naam daan, sewa daan, and pyar at His Charan Kamal.
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
6:21 PM
beautiful :)! Happy birthay ji..
7:32 PM
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