Here is the support you gain when you give the Guru your head... Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj Ji Waheguru Ji

Prabhu Singh said...
Much love brother!Your experiences are amazing. With white your aura is stronger, yet you are also more open in some ways. People think of saints when they see people wearing white and sometimes they look for a connection. It is like a balance, being more open, but also having the strength to handle it.Mandeep Singh Khalsa Ji, you really act fast (showing full courage and faith), when faced with difficulty! You jumped off a cliff and handled a snake with no hesitation, even though they were both new. You started wearing a white turban immediately to work. I figured you'd start with blue and then maybe try some other dark colors, but you went straight for white! That is going to stand out when you're on TV and really project such a beautiful Khalsa roop to the world.As a country boy I've done a lot of crazy things in my life, but I usually take time to work up to things. I really admire how you can just jump into things! Raj Karega Khalsa!
1:41 PM
Prabhu Singh Ji...
Your words made me cry. I am capable of doing nothing, and i do that pretty well. Dhan Guru Nanak, I cried because of the grace that was given. I could never in my dreams have done those things, never. I dont even want to tell any of my family or relatives about it. I like sharing it with my soul, its such an amazing gift to be carried in wahegurus hukam. What can I do, im just a poor little kid that has come crying into the house of Guru Nanak... and I cry even more cos he has taken me in. This is the greatness of our Guru. Every day he turns paupers into sages and saints. I am ever in love with the True Guru who reveals the Lord through the Name.
Prabhu Singh, you may never know how much your sangat effected me, but you do see a few of the physical things happen. The Guru sends me his angels as messengers, and then I jump. I dont hear it, but I see it and I feel it.
The snake tho... I just touched it a little, before however I couldn’t even be in the same room as one.
The jumping, that was the Shaheeds of Guru Gobind Singh Ji around all of us.
Waheguru, take me back to that place...absorbed in your name
Dhan Guru Nanak
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
Vich sangat har prab vassai jio.
11:38 PM
raminder kaur khalsa ji
u are my big sister, keep lighting the way
dhan guru nanak
5:31 PM
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