Work and Turbans
Today was a different day than most, as today I finally got the courage to wear a white turban to work. This was all wahegurus grace, and I was helped by my angels, Prabhu Singh Khalsa (New Mexico Vale) and Charanpreet Kaur Khalsa (my dear fiancee).
It wasnt easy cos of where I work. People are constantly making fun of each other, huge egos looking to inflate themselves even more all the time at others expense.
People also havent gotten higher educations, most came into the buisness right out of high school, so most arent too educated and cultured into the world. Over 3 quarters of my work place still thinks im a Muslim i think... dunno.
But I do know is that Wahegurus grace is soo close to me... I almost didnt sleep last nite cos I knew the Guru wanted me to wear the white and walk in there with the grace of a saint.
But I was still watchful to see peoples reactions...most didnt care or even notice, lol. I got comments like, oh so you decided to wash that thing huh? I use to wear black before. Then the guy next to me was like Yeaaaaaah! Mannyy! I like the white, it rocks. I thought that guy was gonna freak the most. I also thought my boss was going to be the most for it, and he was a little unresponsive, almost a little hiding his true emotions. Thats all good...
In this path of God the miracles and support come from places you least expect. If you decide to let the Guru guide you, the support will come, always has. But it will come in the form of miracles from places, people, angels unimaginable. Dhan Guru Nanak
Heres me in a white paagh....which i love wearing. It feels so light and containing my energy. It feels like it creates a protective layer, and I feel so saintly wearing it, simple radiant beautiful

So that was a blessing... when i got home Charanpreet was telling me that there were pictures of me for sale on the web, i knew the Guru had something to do with this and i thought, dhan Guru Nanak. lol... turns out that this photographer and his assistant started taking pictures of me as i was walking to my train after work one day last summer. i was on the phone someone and they just kept shooting. somehow, one of Charanpreets cousins, Niko, found the pictures on a website where they are for sale. who would pay that money for them, i dont know? but as the lord wills so do we act, miracles can
here are the links for anyone bold enough or interested
Waheguru works even when we dont see him or think of him... thats when he does 90percent of his work. we are busy thinking that we are the doers, but its never the case. waheguru is the doer. you never know what miracles he has in store for you until his kirpa reveals the perfect time...
dhan guru nanak
dhan waheguru
dude, you're crazy! they so look like you were was nice meeting you and all down here in va/dc...thanks for the tips. we should hook up again sometime. but "synghspeed" knew 'twas you on my flickr account...
hope you like it...
keep in touch
8:42 PM
ISingh Ji,
Yea you got me... i was only posing at least in the first picture.
thanks for sending those pictures my way, i copied a few and posted them.
Dhan Guru Nanak for all your seva and hospitality
Waheguru Jio...
9:35 PM
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