My Baby

Sooo today was amazing, My fiancee called me to wake me up this morning, I dont think she intended to wake me up. This is a rare thing these days cos shes spending the summer at Baru Sahib in India. I miss her so much, shes become more and more of my connection to God. I think with Wahegurus blessing she plans to take amrit next week... how amazing is that? Dhan Guru Nanak
Over the year or so that Ive known her she has blossomed from some lows to being a saintly Khalsa, daughter princess of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj. Waheguru.
Her path was much like mine, I was in the lows of desparity, attatched to falsehood and maya and then Guru Blessed me, took me in, let me read the Bani, woke me up from my slumber and showered me with blessings. Now I cant stop thinking of waheguru, in wonder...
Charanpreet, the other half of my soul is my God. I realize the Guru through her which takes me to God. I feel akaal purakh through her. Her strength, her wisdom, her nurturing, caring.. shes always a step ahead. She admires me for all my weakness and my strengths, she just wants to serve me on my path to fulfill my highest destiny to God. She supports me in all my crazy ideas and thoughts, and helps pick me up when I dont feel so Chardi Kala. She is the spirit of God in my life. I really worship her feet.
It took a long time to find this jewel, and man am I blessed. Ive said it so many times before, I couldnt have found a better person if I tried myself... only Waheguru could have done this. Somehow, at sometime I must have said to God to take care of it in some devotional felt ardaas and told him its not in my hands. Gave into his will...then I had to be patient. Very patient at times, it was tough. But you know what, God sent me an angel... If any of you get to meet her you'll be blessed too.
This picture was of me giving her the ring, I had suprised her after her birthday. I didnt make it to her birthday and she was sad about that, but the Guru was telling her not to worry, he had something better in store for her. Gods never says no, just says be patient I got something better lined up. I cant tell you how true that is...
My speech to her as I showed her the ring... It went a little like this, (Charanpreet, feel free to add/correct)...
"Charanpreet Kaur, I love you with all my heart with the Grace of the Guru. And if you want to take this journey with me to exploring and serving the 10 Gurus saroop, Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj Ji please spend the rest of your life with me and serving"
She just smiled and nodded.. like in the picture. Oh Waheguru she was soo happy... I was sooo nervous and then it was all done. Oh wait, I forgot to give her the ring, her mom was like, put the ring on her finger, lol. Then I got up and sat on the other side of the room, lol.. but then I got up and sat down next to her.
Guru Nanak bought her the ring too... that was amazing too. I didnt spend much, the timing of a tax refund and the angels leading me to the best jeweller was all his Grace... they must really love Charanpreet, well I love her a lot, so I can only imagine how much Waheguru and his servants love her.
Thank you've shown me again and again that its all in your hands
Jo tudh bhaavai so-ee changa ik Naanak kee ardaasay.
That which pleases Your Will is good; this alone is Nanak's prayer.
Dhan Guru Nanak...