Praying and Ice Cream

Waheguru Jio..
I spoke to Jack today after work for a moment, said thanks for the soup. And I told him I wasnt sure about the veggie burger I had for lunch cos it was a little tooo good... i know it wasnt meat but it might have been cooked on the same grill without being cleaned. And he said its okay, you do your best, which was cool.. I know in my heart somethings are not so true, and I wanna be more careful of what i put into my body.
THen he asked what I had in my hand, and I told him its a gotka and I helped him to say Sukhmani Sahib, he totally butchered it at first. I explained that it was the Prayer of Peace found in the Guru Granth Sahib, our living Guru.
Keep in mind these people are totally ignorant to Sikhs, Ill explain more about where I work later and the culture there.
So then... he pulls out of his top pocket a small pocket size bible! Dhan Waheguru. That made me smile. No wonder he sees something in me that he respects.
Now this can be gross or funny, or both. He said he does read from it, its not just something to carry around, but he reads it while he's in the bathroom. That made me smile, cos Jack is a big man, and he knows alot, i mean alot about food. People are always asking him what hes having for lunch. I think he eats at least 2 lunches a day, usually more. Thats how come he gave me a portabello mushroom soup. I smiled to myself that he reads in the bathroom, cos I feel like Waheguru is giving him more and more to eat all the time so he can spend more and more time reading from the bible... Waheguru works in mysterious ways guys...
As for me, I still eat lots of chocolate, somehow Guru Ji doesnt mind just yet... he keeps leading me to it. In most ways he's just making me happy giving me all things I desire, I love you Guru Ji
Funny thing happened the other night, I was on the roof of my building watching the sun set and I was just talking out loud, to myself, to Waheguru through the Gurus grace... and at the end of it I was like, you "know what Waheguru, is it okay if I have some ice cream, give me a sign and let me know if its okay" then i looked around and thought, how is this gonna happen....theres not much that can happen up here... 2 seconds later... i hear the ice cream truck coming closer... Dhan Guru Nanak
I was like, thanks Waheguru, love you... Gotta run get some ice cream. I love ice cream more every day for some reason, it just gets tastier and tastier
You know when something gets better and better all the time your on the right track, and thats an important sign for me... Im expecting a lot of changes in the future and I cant wait to share them with you all. you all being the 5 guys that read . laugh as you may, but thats the spirit of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
And im gonna get a camera soon so I can put up pictures and stuff...
Lots more to come, Im kinda holding back a little to leave some good stuff to come...
God does that and it annoys us sometimes, but it excites me, I know that Waheguru has amazing blessings to unfold for us in the future, so enjoy where you are now... you wont be there for long...
dont worry about the future, the Guru has got it, stop and smell the sweet roses, tell them how much you love them
Seriously guys...I hear the ice cream truck... I love you all with every beat of my heart, and I wish to someday wash your feet and thank the Guru for humbling me
See how ice cream can make you so chardi kala? Dhan Guru Nanak
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh
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