Sunday, October 22, 2006

Funk Soul Brother

Okay, Just soul brother...

His name, Prabhu Singh Khalsa...

Here he is doing a Sukhmani Sahib in Washington DC. This is how it feels like we are related from our past...

Charanpreet Kaur always comments on how happy I get when I talk to Prabhu Singh and shes worried that I might come down in December for our wedding only to see him, Waheguru. At least Ill definetly be there Charanpreet. Muah, love you Charanpreet Kaur. You are my soul ji, you are my soul.

THis is a portion of a email Prabhu Singh sent me...

I can't wait until everybody moves to EspaƱola and then I don't have to fly all over the creation to see everybody. You know you want to :-) Everybody's doing it. Raj Karega Khalsa, we say it and mean it here - lol. Also I'll build a palace in due time and everybody can stay together. We can farm together and hang out at my future ranch in the mountains, and enjoy rural life without natural disasters, without pollution, with the greatest views, and perfect weather in 4 distinct seasons, we can ski and snowboard in the winter time in the Rocky Mountains, and we can wear the Khalsa bana while doing it all! Of course with the sangat and our sadhana, inner peace, enlightenment, and gyan will almost be a given! If what the Siri Singh Sahib predicted comes true, you're going to want to be here with a comfortable space before the thousands of people crowd the streets just to see us. Anyway, a man can dream.
Back to the original purpose of this email, my itenerary:

I hope I get the kirpa to make it out there one day... so many blessed places. New Mexico is tops right now in my book.

Knowing the future it doest matter anyway, Guru jis got it.

Another little tidbit... Charanpreet and I were on the phone when I went to NYCs famous Junior's restaraunt for their reknown cheesecake. I was gonna get two, one to cut for my birthday, Dhan Guru Nanak, and one for the family with cake (eggs). THen I found out that they all have eggs in them, so I only got the one for the family

I remembered Yogi Ji telling the story of a starving man that was traveling down the road. Then another man offered him food, so that he could survive. The starving man said no thank you. He didnt want to give up all of his kammae at his last hour by eating the meat that was being offered to him. He chose to die a saintly death, having kept his devotion and rehat alive. Waheguru

I could have not asked and left it alone, happily pleading ignorance. But I didnt and I was a little dissapointed that none of their cakes are made without eggs.
But then I felt like I was blessed. God never says no, just be patient...theres something better waiting.

So... then I go home and realize the next day that my mom had made me a spectacular chocolate ganash mocha mouse cake. And yeah, eggless too. Waheguru... take a loook at this baby...

Thanks again Waheguru Ji.... Cant say it enough,

Jo tis bhavai soi changa, Ik Nanak ki Ardasay

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahguru Ji Ki Fateh

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Happy Birthday Guru Nanak

Today is a beautiful day Waheguru. This day in 1979, I got his grace to come back to this earthly plane once again. I came was kicking and screaming and longed wholeheartedly to go back. Mom remembers me as being generally healthy but had a time holding down milk for the first 6 months. Since though, its been an amazing ride with Waheguru and Guru on my side. I owe everything to the heavens spiritual planes. Without that I would lose it all.

On this day the Lord gave you life,
May you use it to serve him.
Our loving prayers will be with you,
May you never forget him.

We did this chant at solstice this year and how true and heartfelt it can be. What else is there, all I want to do is remeber the divine and serve. Remember and serve.

I got this from our Guru this morning...

Page 546

ami-a sarovaro pee-o har har naamaa raam.
Drink in the Ambrosial Nectar from the pool of the Lord; chant the Name of the Lord, Har, Har.

santeh sang milai jap pooran kaamaa raam.
In the Society of the Saints, one meets the Lord; meditating on Him, one's affairs are resolved.

sabh kaam pooran dukh bideeran har nimakh manhu na beesrai.
God is the One who accomplishes everything; He is the Dispeller of pain. Never forget Him from your mind, even for an instant.

aanand an-din sadaa saachaa sarab gun jagdeesrai.
He is blissful, night and day; He is forever True. All Glories are contained in the Lord in the Universe.

agnat ooch apaar thaakur agam jaa ko Dhaamaa.
Incalculable, lofty and infinite is the Lord and Master. Unapproachable is His home.

binvant naanak mayree ichh pooran milay sareerang raamaa. ||3||
Prays Nanak, my desires are fulfilled; I have met the Lord, the Greatest Lover. ||3||

ka-ee kotik jag falaa sun gaavanhaaray raam.
The fruits of many millions of charitable feasts come to those who listen to and sing the Lord's Praise.

har har naam japat kul saglay taaray raam.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, all one's generations are carried across.

har naam japat sohant paraanee taa kee mahimaa kit ganaa.
Chanting the Name of the Lord, one is beautified; what Praises of His can I chant?

har bisar naahee paraan pi-aaray chitvant darsan sad manaa.
I shall never forget the Lord; He is the Beloved of my soul. My mind constantly yearns for the Blessed Vision of His Darshan.

subh divas aa-ay geh kanth laa-ay parabh ooch agam apaaray.
Auspicious is that day, when God, the lofty, inaccessible and infinite, hugs me close in His embrace.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Hum Naye Changai...

Waheguru Maharaj has brought blessings upon blessings through our Guru.

Today at Gurudwara I learned a lot. Doing jora the seva I was so humbled thinking of Guru Ram Das's shabad...

I am not beautiful, and I am not born to a high caste,
And my way of life is never right.
How can I dare speak in Thy presence
When I am without virtue and have not repeated Thy name?
I am a sinner, yet I am saved by the Guru;
This is the True Guru's kindness

I was crying and doing seva remembering this shabad... then I looked over my shoulder and felt a presence. I kept going and tucking my head into the sides of my arms, not to wipe my tears, but because Im not worthy to even look at such a presence. I kept going but I couldnt look up, my eyes were wet as if I had been told something so suprising and in disbelief I kept going with my task even though I coulndt control the emotions with what was said. As I walked back through the Divan Hall to go downstairs I looked over at Guru Maharaj but couldnt help the tears again. I couldnt raise my head and stop the tears from falling. My body tensed up to fight the emotion from over coming me.

Guru Nanaks words over coming my minds thoughts...

Thou art the sovereign Ruler
And I call Thee King-
But how can this address Thy greatness?
As Thou grantest me the grace, so do I speak of Thee.
Otherwise, I am ignorant and am unable to express anything.

I couldnt look up Waheguru, there was just too much light, Im not worthy to let my eyes behold such greatness of Akaal Purakh in physical form.

Waheguru, Im just a stupid ignorant child. I know not the way of God, but I have a big desire to serve you. Only you can save this soul by leading it to you... only you can save this soul

Dhan Dhan Guru Ram Das Rakho Sarnayee

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The day is coming....

Dharam Raj will throughly disgrace him in the end who has not served the Guru and God. He is constantly searching for ways to get ahead in life, taking from this, taking from that. He is busy filling his houses with things that dont serve him and all the time God is watching. Where will you be when the call comes and Dharam Raj comes to take you?

What kamae have you done? Who is you Guru? Who did you serve? Who did you hurt? Who did you slander? What bhagti have you done?

What are you answers to these questions?

I spent the day witnessing a firm cut its staff by 20 percent. I was standing next to Dharam Raj. He is an older executive for the firm who was standing by me. He's totally innocent but he has a little blackberry in his pocket. "Upstairs" sends his him a message and then he goes to the person, taps them on the shoulder and tells them to go upstairs for a talk. No one came back from those talks. He's the grim reaper, and serves a greater power. He's just a messenger, but one that we may have to face.

I knew this was going on and then but didnt really notice at how quick and simple the whole process was. Then I saw it. The exec was joking around with us as he was interupted by a vibrating message in his top inner pocket. Another name was sent down. He looked at and began to walk in the direction of the next unsuspecting soul.

We all carry on our lives everyday in our same routine. We dont acknowledge that someone upstairs is watching us. We joyfully make jokes, eat, sleep...all normal things. But when that call comes it catches us. This poor soul got a little tap on his shoulder and when he looked around he saw who was standing there. He knew what it meant but he could not believe it was happening. He could not believe it was him. Emotions of disbelief, regret, disdain, dispair running through him. He had no idea this was comin and he had no clue what upstairs is thinking.

That was the sadest part of all... catching people with no warning in a total state of suprise. And depending on how you answered those questions above, the reaction you will have either hurts and saddens or englightens and inspires.

Some of us longingly await the call from Waheguru. Some wait and wait serving his creation with no need for reward. Some remember the One through every situation and accept all as his will. Some blessed souls take to the sarnaye of the Guru. What will these peoples reaction be when God sends the call for them. Guru Nanak himself will carry that soul. Your life will be of value in Gods court. You may have been beat up and hurt your whole life. But you had faith and kept up all the time. God carried you through and you thanked him everytime. That soul is one with the creator and God himself will take that soul. Guru Nanak will come for that soul.

Blessed blessed is that soul who thinks eats sleeps Waheguru

Guru Ram Das Rakho Sarnaye