Funk Soul Brother
Okay, Just soul brother...
His name, Prabhu Singh Khalsa...

Here he is doing a Sukhmani Sahib in Washington DC. This is how it feels like we are related from our past...

Charanpreet Kaur always comments on how happy I get when I talk to Prabhu Singh and shes worried that I might come down in December for our wedding only to see him, Waheguru. At least Ill definetly be there Charanpreet. Muah, love you Charanpreet Kaur. You are my soul ji, you are my soul.
THis is a portion of a email Prabhu Singh sent me...
I can't wait until everybody moves to EspaƱola and then I don't have to fly all over the creation to see everybody. You know you want to :-) Everybody's doing it. Raj Karega Khalsa, we say it and mean it here - lol. Also I'll build a palace in due time and everybody can stay together. We can farm together and hang out at my future ranch in the mountains, and enjoy rural life without natural disasters, without pollution, with the greatest views, and perfect weather in 4 distinct seasons, we can ski and snowboard in the winter time in the Rocky Mountains, and we can wear the Khalsa bana while doing it all! Of course with the sangat and our sadhana, inner peace, enlightenment, and gyan will almost be a given! If what the Siri Singh Sahib predicted comes true, you're going to want to be here with a comfortable space before the thousands of people crowd the streets just to see us. Anyway, a man can dream.
Back to the original purpose of this email, my itenerary:
I hope I get the kirpa to make it out there one day... so many blessed places. New Mexico is tops right now in my book.
Knowing the future it doest matter anyway, Guru jis got it.
Another little tidbit... Charanpreet and I were on the phone when I went to NYCs famous Junior's restaraunt for their reknown cheesecake. I was gonna get two, one to cut for my birthday, Dhan Guru Nanak, and one for the family with cake (eggs). THen I found out that they all have eggs in them, so I only got the one for the family
I remembered Yogi Ji telling the story of a starving man that was traveling down the road. Then another man offered him food, so that he could survive. The starving man said no thank you. He didnt want to give up all of his kammae at his last hour by eating the meat that was being offered to him. He chose to die a saintly death, having kept his devotion and rehat alive. Waheguru
I could have not asked and left it alone, happily pleading ignorance. But I didnt and I was a little dissapointed that none of their cakes are made without eggs.
But then I felt like I was blessed. God never says no, just be patient...theres something better waiting.
So... then I go home and realize the next day that my mom had made me a spectacular chocolate ganash mocha mouse cake. And yeah, eggless too. Waheguru... take a loook at this baby...

Thanks again Waheguru Ji.... Cant say it enough,
Jo tis bhavai soi changa, Ik Nanak ki Ardasay
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahguru Ji Ki Fateh