Dhan Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Dhan Dhan Dhan Guru Nanak Dev Ji
Theri Vadiaye
Theri Vadiaye
How did ever get to have a job working on the New York Stock Exchange? Sometimes it passes me how much kirpa brought me there.
I saw an older Singh as I was crossing the road to Wall Street. He was just looking to cross as well and then I bumped into him and caught him by suprise. He was so happy to see another Singh pagh vala, Waheguru, his smile made my day. From the inside out. Waheguru. He asked me where I worked and I said I work on the New York Stock Exchange and he lit up even more, Waheguru ji..."oh thats good!". I know that he may not have the best job in the world, but somehow it hit a spot in his heart to know that Sikhi was alive and well, reaching such places were ultra elitests worked. Waheguru ji, he was so happy to see that Guru Nanak had reached such far far places. He made me realize how blessed I am to go to a place that has so much maya and darkness with this Sikhi saroop.
It is all things Kaljug rolled up into one place.. Greed, Ego, Lust, Anger, Attatchement... these things are rampant and easily seen. The will of the man made such a place, the will of God has sent blessed souls to help out those who want to let their light shine.
Im not Guru Nanak, but I can see him there too. He was the lotus of lotuses. Guru Nanak was one man against all odds, against all Kaljug, and all darkness. He sought and he conquered, not with weapons of harsh words feuled by hate, but love and attatchment to Waheguru.
Guru Nanak Dev Ji is there all the time, all around. Who am I? What did I do? Nobody. Nothing.
If you take yourself out of the way, then Guru will sit by you and come through you. If you attatch yourself to this worldliness then nothing but you and your finite self will come through. Full of your own personal biases from our experiences from birth, this jaman and previous.
The last few weeks have been amazing. Ive been blessed to be around such blessed souls. Souls that have been blessed with such material wealth and have realized that they dont have the peace. They still hunger for more, hunger for spiritual growth, hunger for God. Waheguru. At the end of the day, and you dont see this much at all... my boss, who is a managing director and partner in the firm gives me a hug. He usually gives me about 3 a day. And this is no low key thing, with every person looking on.
Waheguru waheguru its all your grace, all your grace. Such beautiful energizing hugs. Fills my being with such love...its truely my reward from God. Other guys have joined in too, giving so much love. I need no other payment. Its Guru Nanak giving me a hug. Waheguru... I sometimes forget to thank him, but I know theres nothing outside of his will and this poor being has no idea on how to praise the Lord.
I keep fooling myself into believing that I can, in the end I see its not me who can or cant.
I still am in awe of Guru Nanak who makes men who drive Porsches and wear Rolexs want to hug a man who pretends to rememeber the Lord.
Nanak says to the yogis in Sidh Gosht,
Destroying all sense of self, the true yogi is unattatched, With the truth enshrined within.
Out of the Absolute, by his own will, He became manifest;
Essentially Formless, He took many forms.
This God is all around everywhere, even with Kaljug blaring. I can still see the Guru, in the faces, in the faces, in the hugs. It draws some people closer, and others become envious and are lead away. This too is your vadiayaee Guru Nanak.
I dont know who I am, I dont know what to do, I dont know anything... yet somehow, by some amazing kirpa I am blessed to touch the feet of your servants waheguru.
Dhan Guru Nanak Theri Vadiayae
Dhan Guru Nanak Theri Vadiayae
Humbly trying to be your servant Guru ji...
Guru Arjun Dev Ji Sukhmani Sahib...
After wandering and wandering through many lives, O Lord, I have come and entered Thine sancturay.
This is Nanak's prayer, O Master that I may be attached to Thine devotional Service.